About Us

The founder (Ms. DEEPIKA GANDHI) of SAMPOORN, a child psychologist has a decade of experience in child education. She specializes in developing curriculum and child development programmes for nursery children.

Our Vision

To refurbish the genius in each child.

Our Mission

To focus on the all-round development of the child by providing conducive environment and world class curriculum

Core Values

Quality, Integrity, Respect, Service, Education, Team Work

The Sampoorn Advantage :

  • It combines the best practices of Montessori and traditional systems of education, using methods that promote intelligently guided freedom.
  • Learning is through a multi-sensory approach, in which all five senses are tapped. (For instance, reading is introduced through phonics and whole language.)
  • Teachers play the role of friendly facilitators of learning.
  • The classroom environment is designed to be friendly, encouraging intellectual inquisitiveness and socialisation.
  • Children are encouraged to work both independently and in groups
  • A Montessori Math curriculum encourages children to understand mathematical concepts, so that math at higher levels is easy to grasp.
  • And the Jolly Phonics initiative that introduces children to early reading and writing through sound. Children are taught not just alphabet sounds, but the 42 main sounds of English. They soon learn to blend thee sounds to form words and then move on, quite easily, to reading.

At SAMPOORN, we work towards exploring the innate potential of each child believing each child to be unique. Our goal is to stimulate their curiosity, guide them to explore, help them to acquire skills and instill the joy of learning which would set the tone for the rest of their lives.


  • Integrated curriculum with Montessori & Play way Techniques
  • Focus on all round development of the child
  • Conducive Environment
  • Trained Faculty
  • Multi Route Transport Facility
  • Summer Camps & Workshops
  • Child / Parental Counselling

Our Philosophy


  • We create little Masters:
    In an inspiring, fun loving , free atmosphere for your child, presenting lively learning and playing, as the environment supports your kids to unleash their creativity and innate skills in a free and spirited way. AT SAMPOORN we ensure that our little masters Learn and Grow with fun.

  • We focus on all round development such as:
    MOTOR Development: It plays a very important role for Fine and Gross Motor skills in children.In learning of motor skills,'readiness and opportunities to learn,motivation,steadiness,guidance to writing skills are some of the most important essentials.

    PHYSICAL: We at SAMPOORN provide children with the abilities they need to explore and interact with the world around them.

    COGNITIVE: Cognitive abilities associated with memory, reasoning, problem-solving and thinking continue to emerge throughout childhood. it refers to the development of the ability to think and reason in a child.

    LANGUAGE: Language development supports your child’s ability to communicate, express and understand feelings. It also supports thinking and problem-solving, and developing and maintaining relationships.

    MORAL: As children develop their general thinking skills, they're expected to start to conform to the morality rules that society dictates.Moral development is a concern for every parent. Teaching a child to distinguish right from wrong and to behave accordingly is a goal of parenting.

    EMOTIONAL: Children’s abilities for recognising, understanding and managing their emotions are influenced by the ways the adults who care for them, acknowledge and respond to their feelings. Parents, carers and school staff can provide important support and guidance for children’s emotional development.

    SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: This involves learning the values, knowledge and skills that enable children to relate to others effectively and to contribute in positive ways to family, school and the community

  • SAMPOORN where Education moves with time: SAMPOORN is committed to creating a world-class education system. We will work to improve the opportunities and experiences available to children. Children are best served in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.

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